▲ Vercel Integration now GA - Create a database branch for every preview deployment, automatically.Learn here


The latest product updates from Neon

Neon Vercel Integration enhancements

  • Manage branches created by the integration: The Neon Vercel Integration creates a branch for each preview deployment. To avoid using up your storage or branch allowances, we recommend removing old or obsolete branches regularly. You can now do this from the Vercel integration drawer in the Neon Console. See Manage branches created by the integration.
  • Change the database and role for preview branches: When you install the integration, you select a database and role for your Neon project. The integration uses these details to define database connection variables for your preview branches. You can now change the database and role for new preview branches from the Vercel integration drawer in the Neon Console. See Change the database and role for preview branches.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Vercel environment variables created by the integration from being removed when deleting the associated Neon project.

Fixes & improvements

  • You can now view the sign-in methods configured for your Neon account from the Profile page under Account Settings. The Profile page also supports unlinking social accounts such as Google or GitHub from your Neon account.
  • When creating a project, the default Postgres role created with your project is now named for the database using the following naming scheme: dbname_owner, where dbname is the name of the database. This change reflects that the default Postgres role is the owner of the initial database that is created with the project.
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